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Marine Policy and Advocacy programs: Gaining experience through policy meetings


MPA 鼓励学生将批判性思维、分析性写作和解决问题的策略应用于现实世界的挑战,同时发现科学在不断发展的可持续发展领域中的作用。


程序 目标:

  • 探索和理解人类与沿海和海洋环境及资源相关并依赖其的许多复杂而重要的方式

  • 批判性地思考人类如何改造和管理海洋空间及其组成部分

  • 认真思考涉及复杂海洋和沿海管理和可持续性问题的问题、挑战和解决方案


Rob Markuske,NYHS 教师


海洋政策和宣传 10

海洋政策和宣传 11

海洋政策和宣传 12



10 年级 MPA 教学大纲

11 年级 MPA 教学大纲

12 年级 MPA 教学大纲

12 年级 MPA 教学大纲(职业与财务管理)


ARC GIS Learners gain problem-solving and communication skills through GIS education. Integrating information across disciplines via location reveals relationships between places and phenomena, which promotes understanding. Education mapping software inspires sharing and action. ArcGIS provides data integration, analysis, visualization, and storytelling capabilities uniquely engineered for data with a spatial component. Designed for interoperability, ArcGIS connects to other research toolkits to support open-source science.

Sustainability A comprehensive understanding of sustainability topics, including the economics of sustainability, government and sustainability, sustainable development, new technology, innovative sustainability approaches, sustainable design, and the emerging sustainability mindset. This certificate comprises the GEF Institute course: Advanced Concepts in Sustainability, located in Units 6-10 of Principles of Sustainability. Completing the course requirements for the Apprentice and Professional Certificates.

Sustainability Fellow This certificate denotes a robust and comprehensive understanding of sustainability topics, including the economics of sustainability, government and sustainability, sustainable development, new technology, innovative sustainability approaches, sustainable design, and the emerging sustainability mindset. This certificate comprises the GEF Institute course: Advanced Concepts in Sustainability, located in Units 6-10 of Principles of Sustainability. Completing the course requirements for the Apprentice and Professional Certificates (Units 1-5) are prerequisites for earning this certificate.

WEDG Associate WEDG® (Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines) Professionals are leaders reshaping waterfronts to promote resilience, ecology, and access. WEDG® (Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines) is a national rating system that recognizes developers and landowners for resilient, sustainable, and accessible waterfront projects.

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在 3 年的课程中,MPA 学生将:

  • 认识、获取和解释人类对海洋和沿海环境、资源的多种复杂使用管理和政策

  • 举例说明海洋和沿海管理中通常采用的策略

  • 解释多学科整体方法对管理海洋和沿海环境和资源的重要性

  • 评估解决复杂海洋和沿海管理及可持续性问题的潜在解决方案的有效性

  • 应用公共信托原则、清洁水法以及州和市海洋与环境政策中的其他适用法规

  •  Eff有效地利用分析、写作和批判性思维技能来发展支持观点的逻辑论证。

  •  参加与奥尔巴尼和市议会有关的游说、听证会和活动

  •  在海洋政策法项目中与佩斯大学和教师合作

  •  与 John Cronin 合作解决整个计划中的几个问题和发展

  •  与城市和州的利益相关者合作提供政策变更

  •  学习基本的计算机和网页设计、公开演讲、写作、新闻技能以及如何使用数据来支持政策变革

  •  研究、分析和评估现有的环境法律和政策

  •  与其他职业和技术教育计划合作,了解环境法律和政策如何从许多有利角度帮助和/或阻碍他们的进步。



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