Marine Systems Technology

The demand for well trained marine engineers, marine mechanics, marine technicians and welders/metal fabricators is extremely high. The Marine Systems Technology program offers an entry way into these exciting, hands-on and highly technical career fields.
Whether working as crew on-board vessels or shoreside in marinas, boatyards, shipyards and manufacturing plants these careers are well paying and offer plenty of room for advancement. If you love boats, working with your hands and are not afraid to get a little dirty this just might be the program for you!

Chris Green, NYHS Faculty cgreen@newyorkharborschool.org
MST 10
MST 11
MST 12
Career and Financial Management
Industry Recognized Summative Assessments
NOCTI Marine Mechanics
This program prepares students to work in the engineering side of the maritime industry. Whether working onboard vessels in the "Engine Department" or shoreside in marinas, boatyards and shipyards. Students study marine mechanics, marine electrical, marine systems, wood, fiberglass/composites and welding metal fabrication. Students have the opportunity to take the exam for American Boat and Yacht Council Marine Systems Technician and accumulate up to 9 college credits through our relationship with Kingsborough Community College Maritime Technology program. Students are required to complete an internship in the maritime industry. For the complete syllabus and the most up to date information check out our facebook page New York Harbor School Marine Systems Technology or visit our website at: