What We Do

New York Harbor School provides students with a strong
academic foundation and a continuum of work-based learning experiences that extend
student learning from the school classroom into a real-world, work-related context. Our students learn to build and operate boats; spawn and harvest millions of oysters; design submersible, remotely operated vehicles; conduct real-life research; and dive underwater. NYHS students go on trips, tour colleges, hear and learn from experts in science and industry and participate in the school’s on-going oyster restoration research program through The Billion Oyster Project.
Preparation for college, careers (and beyond) require thoughtful study in English Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics, and Science. Our students complete Regents-based lessons in all core content areas and additional coursework in Foreign Language, the Arts, Physical Education, and Health.
As sophomores, all students enroll in one of eight state-certified Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study. Freshman are introduced to the various CTE programs via Harbor Class.